Financing programme: The Operational Programme Administrative Capacity 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1- Efficient public administration and judicial sector, Specific Objective 1.1: Developing and introducing common systems and standards in public administration which can optimize the decision processes targeted to citizens and business environment according to SCAP.
Beneficiary: Syene Center for Education, Bucharest
Partner: Association for Promoting Knowledge Economy, Iași
Aim: The main objective of the project is to develop the capacities of NGOs and social partners in the field of education (including parents associations and trade unions) in order to elaborate and promote alternative proposals to the public policies initiated by the Romanian Government, to involve these stakeholders in the elaboration of the new national education law and to promote monitor participatory mechanisms which would enable consultation, transparency and standardization in the field of education.
Specific objectives:
- Capacity development of 15 NGOs so that to elaborate and promote alternative public policies, establishing and participating in networks in order to address relevant and urgent public policy issues in education, namely ITC use in education and school-decision curriculum.
- Developing and promoting a monitoring mechanism and two alternative public policies in the field of education.
- Expected result no.1 – trained personnel from NGOs and social partners in advocacy and public policies in education.
- Expected result no.2 – elaboration of an alternative public policy on ITC in education.
- Expected result no.3 –elaboration of alternative public policy on school-decision curriculum.
- Expected result no.4 – development of an independent tool for monitoring the implementation of school-decision curriculum.
- Expected result no. 5 – successful promotion of school-decision curriculum public policy
Starting date: 27.03.2018
Implementation period: 16 months
Total value of project: 878,609 lei
Eligible grant value from European Social Fund (European Union) = 723,131.98 lei
Eligible grant value from national budget = 137,904.84 lei
Eligible co-financing of beneficiary = 17,572.18 lei